I hate toys! And toys hate me! Either they are going or I am going and I definitely am not going!
a mouse in the house
Santa Claus In Comin To Town
Santa Claus In Comin To Town
Santa Claus In Comin To Town
Santa Claus In Comin To Town
Santa Claus In Comin To Town
Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
Poor, misguided folks. They missed the whole point. Lot’s of unhappiness? Maybe so. But doesn’t Santa take a little bit of that unhappiness away? Doesn’t a smile on Christmas morning scratch out a tear cried on a sadder day? Not much maybe. But what would happen if we all tried to be like Santa and learned to give as only he can give: of ourselves, our talents, our love and our hearts? Maybe we could all learn Santa’s beautiful lesson and maybe there would finally be peace on Earth and good will toward men._Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town_ Movie