Children need models more than they need critics.
Proof that cats do indeed watch television.
After his people watched the entire “Mission Impossible” weekend marathon, Miles, wanting to get “in touch” with the wild feline within and sneak up on his food, took the matter into his own hands.
If only he hadn’t miscalculated the height from the kitchen light to the floor, he’d be in kibble heaven right now!
It’s The next Big Next I tell ya!
What is?
See, it’s like this… it’s a global blog tour that started in Australia.The idea is to bring awareness to authors and illustrators and their current work. I was tagged by the talented Ginger Nielson. At the end of this post you see the awesome authors/illustrators that I’ve tagged…. because they’re The Big Thing!
So on to the questions.
2) Where did the idea come from for the book?
I would love to illustrate a book about a monster or maybe a scary, but not too scary character that is actually quite lovable. That hasn’t happened…… yet! So, I wrote my own. I love to bring the misunderstood to life. With this book we get to experience the little monster inside us all.
This book is for the 4- 8 range.
4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
Hmmm….. actors maybe not so much, but animated for sure! Hand drawn please!
6) Who is publishing your book?
This book along with my other one, titled “Ruby’s New Stew” have no homes as of yet. They’re polishing themselves up to go knocking on doors though. Did I mention I’m open for suggestions? :)
7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
It started small in one afternoon and bloomed to a full manuscript in about a week. It has been edited several times since then.
8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I try to never compare. We’re all so different in our writing and illustration. It’s important to find your voice. However, I do love Cinderella Skeleton written by Robert D. San Souci and illustrated by David Catrow. Another one that I really enjoy is The Wizard written by Jack Prelutsky and illustrated by Brandom Dorman.
9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?
The love of the good story that we can all related to, while knowing that everything is going to turn out okay in the end.
10) What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?
His backpack has teeth! :))
Next on the blog tour are two very talented artists:
If it looks like things have been a bit wonky here… well they have. The website, the blog have had a complete overhaul. Even my Twitter Page is all shiny!
Now it’s all matchy like a new box of stationery. Check it out!