Ardour, the snow maiden. Based on a character from the retelling of a fairytale by Jonathon Keats.
a mouse in the house
Proof that cats do indeed watch television.
After his people watched the entire “Mission Impossible” weekend marathon, Miles, wanting to get “in touch” with the wild feline within and sneak up on his food, took the matter into his own hands.
If only he hadn’t miscalculated the height from the kitchen light to the floor, he’d be in kibble heaven right now!
Darn that measuring tape… Fur covered kitty fingers kept getting pinched!
Happy 4th of July!
Soft moss a downy pillow makes, and green leaves spread a tent,
Where Faerie fold may rest and sleep until their night is spent.
The bluebird sings a lullaby, the firefly gives a light,
The twinkling stars are candles bright, Sleep, Faeries all, Good Night.
~Elizabeth T. Dillingham, “A Faery Song”
A faery has to refresh himself somewhere…. wouldn’t it be fun to stumble upon one of these!