







 “And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow,
stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so?
It came without ribbons. It came without tags.
It came without packages,boxes or bags.



 And he puzzled and puzzled ’till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before.
What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store?



 What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?”


The idea here was to take a master, like the animators that drew the Grinch and make him look dimensional, and textured. I really liked Jim Carey’s version of the Grinch but the old hand drawn version will always be my favorite.

Houston 2012 SCBWI Conference

This is my portfolio display for the 2012 Houston SCBWI Conference that I attended last weekend.  I like to practice the layout before I get there, so what you see here is actually on my dining room table.

The morning was spent listening to informative speakers. The keynote speaker was the prolific and colorful,  Dan Yaccarino. His presentation along with his numerous art examples, were  a visual feast. Lots of fun and very dynamic.

On the tables were birdhouses created by Houston illustrators and other crafty conference attendees. They were auctioned that day, with the proceeds going to future illustrator activities. Each was created with a literary theme.

I chose Charlotte’s Web by E.B.White.













In the afternoon the illustrators were treated to a break out session with Charlesbridge Art Director, Susan Sherman. Her breakout session was very interesting, and featured books she has worked on with many talented artists, such as the very talented Vanessa Newton.

Later that afternoon,  I had a portfolio review with Susan Sherman and sat with her at dinner. I found her very approachable. She gave me advice, direction and honesty, which I  truly value.

But wait…. there’s more!

The conference ended the following day with an Illustrator Intensive, lead by Dan Yaccarino.  My take from this conference this year?  Be Bold!!!


Thank you to all the Houston SCBWI coordinators. It was a good conference!

Happy Easter!

Palmer the choco bunny woke up feeling a bit light headed.

Unaware of his impending situation he became quite vocal!!

Happy Easter!

I hope your holiday is filled with sweet, melty goodness!

April Calendar


To show your true colors…You have to come out of your shell!

A little bit of spring on your desktop… right click and save!

Happy April!

….. and please feel free to comment, I like to know you’re out there! :)

Coloring Eggs


I take an egg
All shiny white
And then I dip
It out of sight.

I leave it there
Within the cup
Then after a minute
I pick it up.

And oh!
It’s a lovely
Shade of green!
The prettiest Easter egg
I’ve ever seen.





I hope your day is filled with beautiful, vibrant colors!

Thanks for stopping by,

:) Roberta