Butter roasted nut…….. Check! Oh yes… but the clincher was the “Pilgrim in a Box” costume he ordered from “The Festive Squirrel’ catalog. Sigmund was sure that he was a shoe in for the title of Harvest King this year!
a mouse in the house
Fall Post Card
Written by Thomas M. Heffron. Illustrated by Roberta Baird. Available on Amazon!
Download a turkey desktop calendar! Here!
Grayling a la Redwall
Some folks snooze while waiting to pick up their kids at school, it’s tempting but no….. Some read a book, which I too often do… and sometimes, I sketch. I try to see what I can come up with in 20 minutes. This is my version of Friar Hugo. Taken from the book Redwall that I read while waiting to pick up yesterday. :)
November Calendar
You will see a banquet, don’t eat anything!
Your life depends on it!
~Pan’s Labryinth