
When on safari, take only pictures….

Leave only footprints….

And please don’t wake the animals!

My newest illustrated book I See the Animals Sleeping, a Bedtime Story, written by Thomas Heffron, Illustrated by me, and produced by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine comes out in June 2011!

I can hardly wait!!!


A daughter is a mother’s gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self. And mothers are their daughters’ role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships. ~Victoria Secunda

Happy Mother’s Day


Away they flew… brushing branches and leaves, startling birds and squirrels nestled high  in the treetops. Houses and cows looked like toys set out on a carpet of green. “Where are we headed Professor Mordicai?” asked Ellie as the basket found it’s foothold in the clouds. “We’re headed for the land of……”

OK Friends…. you tell me… where do you think they are headed? I don’t know either…. but I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Dat Loretta and Rango was no regular gators
Why dem swamp dogs was known from da bayou to Decatur
Dey dance da Lambada, da Salsa, an de Tango…
But dey pack the house when dey dance
Never dare was a team dats moe betta
Den two steppen Rango and his sweet boo Loretta!

Fo True!!!

Roberta Baird