
Shhh…. Under layers of earth the platypus is sleeping.

Platypus spend around half their day resting in short, oval-shaped burrows of about 3 to 8 m long that they dig into earth banks around rivers, lakes or streams. They often have multiple burrows scattered along their home range. Females also dig elaborate nesting burrows around 20 m long with multiple chambers and earth plugs which they share with their unweaned young. The burrow is expertly hidden from predators. You might walk right by it and never notice it.

A sneak peek of my newly illustrated book coming out in the spring of 2011.


Ruby Rue was beautiful of heart
Though her outward appearance gave town folks a start

Her dreams of a suitor had not yet come true
With just internal beauty, what’s a poor hag to do?

So she consulted her Grimoire and found a grand hex
She enchanted a stone  and hung it round her neck

Then she squealed to the mirror “Why Ruby… You’re hot!”
But her stone, it was faulty, for to others… she was not!

The lesson to garner, so you won’t be alone…
Keep your hope in your heart and not in a stone.


Roberta Baird