Illustration Friday! ~ Deja-vu

“I’m almost certain I left it in here. I came in.. sat down to knit… heard the tea kettle whistle… and the phone rang.  At least… I think I did…”

Have you noticed that Mathilda seems completely unaware
Of the growing menagerie in the hollows of her hair?

The chihuahua has gone missing, we can’t find him anywhere!
“He isn’t lost… just put away… on the left, behind my ear.”

Illustration Friday ~ Winter

Hippness is not a state of mind, It’s a fact of life!

-Cannonball Adderley

Today is the last day of the Doodle Diner 12 days of Christmas.  Join us for some new twists on the old classics!   Next up, is a drum playing monster or two or three or four…. Click on the picture to see how many!  While you’re there, you might as well look at the rest of the days too… I have some mighty talented Doodle Diner peeps!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Illlustration Friday ~ Mail

This is my latest promotional postcard which will go in the mail after the holidays in January!

Speaking of mail…. OK, this has nothing to do with mail at all… but The Doodle Diners are working on the twelve days of Christmas! We’re up to the Five Golden Rings but you can surely catch up with the rest by clicking HERE.

My days are The Seven Swans on Sunday, and the Twelve Drummers on Christmas Eve!

Illustration Friday Phenomenom

OK…. so you know the phenomena thing, where Santa lays a finger “aside of his nose,” gives a nod and up the chimney he goes…. Well I think it works in reverse too…. down the chimney  he goes! Only this time, it seems to have a bug in it. Poor Santa!  Too many Christmas cookies… He’s stuck tight. There’s no budging old Kris Kringle!

Shoot… and I’ve been a pretty good girl too…. Guess I’ll go call the Effective Liberating Flight Squad or E.L.F.S. as they like to be called.

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight!

Illustration Friday ~ Prehistoric

Here’s a quickie I worked on for “prehistoric.”  I admit it, I love the caveman commercials!

Most of my time right now is being spent working on working on my first picture book, due out in the spring of 2011! So if I seem out of the loop… you’ll find me at my wacom, painting detailed illustrations of snuggly creatures.

Illustration Friday ~ Burning

Mama always said that “The way to a man’s heart was through his stomach.”   So when Charity invited Oscar over for Thanksgiving dinner, she found out pretty quickly that she was in trouble! Help mama!!
...and she lived hopefully ever after.