That just about says it all!
Illustration Friday
Illustration Friday ~ Expire
“The devil never grants long leases” – Irish saying
This is actually a piece for another project, but he seemed to fit this week’s theme for Illustration Friday so well… in a warped kind of way!
Illustration Friday ~ Subterranean
Just one of the stranger things found in Auntie’s scrapbook of curiosities!
Illustration Friday ~ Propagate II
Illustration Frday ~ Adrift
Given the extreme and seemingly endless winter, Porter the Penguin decided to hop an iceberg and drift away to sunnier pastures.
Done for the Illustration Friday prompt Adrift.
Illustration Friday ~ Muddy
Illustration Friday ~ Focused
Not wanting to be considered a common fowl, Gallus Domesticus Kelly focused his energy on becoming just like his legendary big screen idol. Determined to fly the coop, he would rehearse endlessly. When not practicing, Gallus could be found looking sky word, searching for that one gray cloud. Then one particularly pitchy night, drops of rain began to fall. The other chickens ran in fear… but not Gallus.
Gallus was last seen at an Oklahoma bus station. He had with him, the clothes on his back, an umbrella, and in his hand he held a one way ticket to…. Hollywood.