
…. but then the hungry mice came upon a turnip so shiny, so bright and bulbous, they immediately started to unearth their delicious treasure.

Six Minute Warm up

This my friends, is called the Six Minute Warm Up.

Some of the illustrators I know have been doing this.  Many of them went to the NE SCBWI conference  and attended a workshop,  Character Design 101, taught by Kelly Light in which this was included. Unfortunately I wasn’t there, but I hear the class was fabulous and she cooks a mean chocolate chip cookie!

You might want to give this a try… it’s fun.



“Nine o clock… Dad comes home today!”
As he waited, he listened to the sound of thunder and watched as the raindrops landed and then  joined together in a trail that raced to the bottom of the window pane.  A year is a long time to wait!

All fear faded away when he saw his Dad, dressed in army green, spotted with the weather, open the front gate and smile as he ascended the stairs.