“To see what’s under one’s nose needs a constant struggle.”
~George Orwell
My postcards arrived. I’m very pleased with the job GotPrint did on them.
While waiting… I’ve been updating my mailing list, so… batta boom, batta bing…. they are out the door and headed to their prospective clients.
As always, they were mailed with the usual good luck mojo send off dance at the post office and a fond farewell to these postcards….. wadda ya mean …”it’s not usual?” ;)
Anyway, goodbye postcards. I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed… and that’s one to check off the list of goals!
It stands to reason that if you are taking care of a sick kid….eventually you’re going to get it too! So I’m taking it kind of slow today. I’ve been doing some sketches and thinking about goals. Soon summer will be here and the kid will take up a lot of time… so here’s a list I’ve been thinking about for May.
1. Still looking for an agent. I would love to work as a team with some one out there. I know you’re out there I just haven’t met you yet. :)
2. Send that dummy book out. You know where you’d like send it, so what’s holding you back? Kicks self in the butt! ;)
3.Those promotional postcards should arrive this week… get them back out ASAP!
4. Keep up those daily sketches…. work it!
What are your goals? Do you set a date or are they open ended?