Coloring Eggs


I take an egg
All shiny white
And then I dip
It out of sight.

I leave it there
Within the cup
Then after a minute
I pick it up.

And oh!
It’s a lovely
Shade of green!
The prettiest Easter egg
I’ve ever seen.





I hope your day is filled with beautiful, vibrant colors!

Thanks for stopping by,

:) Roberta




Dat Loretta and Rango was no regular gators
Why dem swamp dogs was known from da bayou to Decatur
Dey dance da Lambada, da Salsa, an Tango…
But dey pack the house when dey dance


Never dare was a team dats mo betta
Den two steppen Rango and his sweet boo Loretta!

Fo True!!!

By Roberta Baird

I  seem to have a theme going on here… if it isn’t  dancing, it’s gators….. so why not dancing gators!

Happy Friday!





Ruby and Phil were soul mates.
She loved to listen to his incredible stories.
He loved her contagious laughter.
And on the dance floor, they were smokin!
Proving with out a doubt… that you’re never to old to Tango!

“We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.” ~ Kofi Annan