Home Alone

I really like Home Alone. Though, I didn’t like the sequels much. Okay, I did like the pigeon lady in Home Alone 2.  So…… I watched this movie the other day with my six year old and now I hear the Home Alone scream constantly. She screams if her shoe comes untied… she screams at commercials. It was cute in movie, but to live with it 24/7…. not so much. It’s pretty funny to a kid, but to a grown up who has just waited a half an hour in the car rider’s line, it’s a little daunting. It will wear off as the year rolls along, only to be picked up again at next year’s holiday movie viewing. And, as I sit I here writing this, I have a sinister, but funny thought that I just might reenact that Home Alone scream on the day she introduces me to her first boyfriend!! :)

What’s the buzz…

Actually, this was an experiment in painting one half of an illustration and then duplicating it, and matching it to the other side.  My brain kept wandering to the other side of the illustration, but in the end, I think she turned out kind of cute….buzz!