
or the day the snake started wearing glasses….

Edwin banged on the glass and threw rocks at the birds.

He pushed through the crowds to make sure he was first!

“Where does this door go to?” Edwin asked of his Mum.

“You get back here this instant!  Leave that door knob alone!”

And then he was gone…    As for clues, there weren’t any.

Seems that Edwin that day, banged on one glass too many!


They’re creepy and they’re kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They’re all together ooky,
The Addams Family.

Some may think they are imperfect with all their quirks and cracks… but I think…

they are absolutely perfect!

Sunshine Smile Publications Illustrator Showcase

Oh wow… check it out!   My Illustrator Showcase is up over at Sunshine Smile Publications!

In my interview, you’ll read about past and current projects. What I’m promoting now… which is of course,

I See the Animals Sleeping a Bedtime Story.
You’ll also read about books we’re reading at home,  a wee bit about process and more…

So let me tell you a bit about Sunshine Smile Publications. They are:

A paramount site for book news and information.
A platform to showcase talented creators of Children’s & YA books.
A publicity and promotional tool for the children’s book industry.


…. and they’re really nice to work with! Check out their site… pass it along!
You can also follow them on Twitter and Facebook!


Due to Mary’s unusual gestures, it was quite obvious that …something  was afloat!   ;)

An oldy… but a goody! Hey now… I’m talking about the illustration!!

The Selkie

Torn between sea mists and solid land
Nights when I’ve ached for a human hand
I’ll come to you while the Moon shines bright
But I must go free with the first streak of light

_Celtic Voices ~ Women of song