Read Every Day, Lead a Better Life Art Contest Winner!

“In just five days, more than 25,000 votes were cast in our Read Every Day. Lead a Better Life. art contest, in which the public submitted their own interpretations of our global literacy campaign slogan, inspired by the 12 illustrators who did the same.”     Blogged by Morgan, one the  On Our Mind @ Scholastic bloggers.

Mine was the winning entry!!!

So a big thank you to Scholastic for the opportunity to be in a contest like this, with such a great message about reading, and to the other contestants. It was a pleasure to be in the company of such creative artists!

Thank you to all the people who voted… you guys are amazing!

Read Every Day! Lead a Better Life!


“I must get these leaves swept away before the North wind blows,” thought Mother Bear. “When the North wind blows, bears get sleepy.”
Not so for baby bears!  “The North wind won’t catch me!” squealed Baby Bear.
Mother paused for a moment and smiled, as she  remembered her own dance of the autumn leaves.  “I hope it never does Baby Bear, I hope it never does!”

I hope you’ll take a moment to go to Scholastic’s  Read everyday Lead a better life Contest and vote! My poster is one of 1o finalists and the winner will be chosen by an online vote and  is open until Monday! So please take a minute and vote!    Thanks!!!


“Hildilid dragged her heavy cauldron to the fire so she could boil away the night.  She ladled it, stirred it, simmered it, bubbled it, and burned it, but she could not boil away the night.”


From the book, I See The Animals Sleeping: A Bedtime Story

Written by Thomas M. Heffron Illustrated by Roberta Baird

June 2011


Not wanting to be considered a common fowl, Gallus Domesticus Kelly focused his energy on becoming just like his legendary big screen idol.

Determined to fly the coop, he would rehearse endlessly. When not practicing, Gallus could be found looking skyward, searching for that one gray cloud. Then one particularly pitchy night, drops of rain began to fall. The other chickens ran in fear… but not Gallus.

Gallus was last seen at an Oklahoma bus station. He had with him, the clothes on his back, an umbrella, and in his hand he held a one way ticket to…. Hollywood.

I’m singing in the rain….just singing in the rain…

what a glorious feeling, I’m happy again!