
When on safari, take only pictures….

Leave only footprints….

And please don’t wake the animals!

My newest illustrated book I See the Animals Sleeping, a Bedtime Story, written by Thomas Heffron, Illustrated by me, and produced by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine comes out in June 2011!

I can hardly wait!!!


A daughter is a mother’s gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self. And mothers are their daughters’ role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships. ~Victoria Secunda

Happy Mother’s Day

Houston SCBWI Conference 2011

So every year I write a little about the conference right after I’ve attended, but this year I seem to have procrastinated for lack of words..or photographs… or exhaustion maybe. I don’t know.

I won’t give you the line up or the deets of everyone’s talks. There are plenty of blogs that have already covered that. Besides, I don’t want to spoil it for you should you get the opportunity to hear the wonderful speakers that were there!  I will tell you though, how I felt at the conference.

I’ve been very busy this year with my first illustrated book,  I See Animals Sleeping coming out in June 2011, a completed book dummy and working to get my portfolio in order for the conference, So I felt tired and a little anxious. Isn’t there always a little anxiety when you show your portfolio? You  might as well be showing your heart… but there is was.   My quirky heart… I mean portfolio!

I had my portfolio review with Laurent Linn, who I must say,  is the nicest and most intuitive reviewer I’ve ever experienced.  He gave me ideas and directions and confirmed some things for me. I needed to hear what he had to say!

And you know what… I won the portfolio competition!  …. and now… my head is full of all kinds of ideas…. and some are … well kind of quirky!