
Soft moss a downy pillow makes, and green leaves spread a tent,
Where Faerie fold may rest and sleep until their night is spent.
The bluebird sings a lullaby, the firefly gives a light,
The twinkling stars are candles bright, Sleep, Faeries all, Good Night.
~Elizabeth T. Dillingham, “A Faery Song”

A faery has to refresh himself somewhere…. wouldn’t it be fun to stumble upon one of these!

Away they go

My postcards arrived. I’m very pleased with the job GotPrint did on them.

While waiting… I’ve been updating my mailing list, so… batta boom, batta bing…. they are out the door and headed to their prospective clients.

As always, they were mailed with the usual good luck mojo send off dance at the post office and a fond farewell to these postcards….. wadda ya mean …”it’s not usual?” ;)

Anyway, goodbye postcards. I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed… and that’s one to check off the list of goals!





So what to do while you’re waiting?  Maybe you’re waiting for that next assignment, that next conference, or contest?

Well,  I’m going back and practicing all the stuff that sometimes gets overlooked when we’re on a tight deadline or have gotten a little rusty, or maybe just too close to see it. Ya know what I mean?  I believe that you’re never to old or experienced to learn something, all over again.  It’s being creative with your time and nurturing your art.  So go create something while you wait!

“Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit.” ~ “Constant practice devoted to one subject often outdoes both intelligence and skill.”  ~ Cicero.

Houston 2012 SCBWI Conference

This is my portfolio display for the 2012 Houston SCBWI Conference that I attended last weekend.  I like to practice the layout before I get there, so what you see here is actually on my dining room table.

The morning was spent listening to informative speakers. The keynote speaker was the prolific and colorful,  Dan Yaccarino. His presentation along with his numerous art examples, were  a visual feast. Lots of fun and very dynamic.

On the tables were birdhouses created by Houston illustrators and other crafty conference attendees. They were auctioned that day, with the proceeds going to future illustrator activities. Each was created with a literary theme.

I chose Charlotte’s Web by E.B.White.













In the afternoon the illustrators were treated to a break out session with Charlesbridge Art Director, Susan Sherman. Her breakout session was very interesting, and featured books she has worked on with many talented artists, such as the very talented Vanessa Newton.

Later that afternoon,  I had a portfolio review with Susan Sherman and sat with her at dinner. I found her very approachable. She gave me advice, direction and honesty, which I  truly value.

But wait…. there’s more!

The conference ended the following day with an Illustrator Intensive, lead by Dan Yaccarino.  My take from this conference this year?  Be Bold!!!


Thank you to all the Houston SCBWI coordinators. It was a good conference!

Polar Bear



“There’s a Polar Bear
In our Frigidaire–
He likes it ’cause it’s cold in there.
With his seat in the meat
And his face in the fish
And his big hairy paws
In the buttery dish,
He’s nibbling the noodles,
And munching the rice,
He’s slurping the soda,
He’s licking the ice.
And he lets out a roar
If you open the door.
And it gives me a scare
To know he’s in there–
That Polary Bear
In our Fridgitydaire.”
― Shel Silverstein, A Light in the Attic

2012 SCBWI Tomie dePaola Award

With the 2012 Tomie Depaola Award ready to be announced on Monday, January 9, 2012, I thought you might like to take a look at a good share of the Unofficial Gallery of the Tomie dePaola Award entries.  This was put together by Diandra Mae a contributing artist and fellow Texan!  You’ll be delighted at the different interpretations of P.C. Asbjörnsen’s story, Chicken Licken. Check it out!

Heres mine!

Unofficial Gallery of the Tomie dePaola Award