Illustration Friday ~ Winter

Hippness is not a state of mind, It’s a fact of life!

-Cannonball Adderley

Today is the last day of the Doodle Diner 12 days of Christmas.  Join us for some new twists on the old classics!   Next up, is a drum playing monster or two or three or four…. Click on the picture to see how many!  While you’re there, you might as well look at the rest of the days too… I have some mighty talented Doodle Diner peeps!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Seven Synchronized Swans

Meet the Synchronized Sisters of Sunnyvale.
These lovely ladies are known far and wide for their beauty, grace and of course their precision technique! Never a more friendly gaggle of gals could be found. That is, until Sylvia joined the group! She was a rare bird indeed!!

Then the feathers flew!!  “Why does she always get to stay above water?”

Sylvia just smiled and let it roll like water off a ducks back… or should I say swan!

Join me and my friends over at the Doodle Diner for all of the Twelve Days of Christmas! There are some wonderful twists on the old classics!