The Swamp Where Gator Hides

Swamp_RobertaBairdrb2Under the algae that carpets the swamp, near the duck who paddles in ooze, close to the turtle who takes a snooze . . . hides a gator! Still as a log, only his watchful eyes can be seen. But when gator moves, he really moves! What happens to the duck, the turtle, the egret, the deer, and the many other critters of the swamp when gator makes his move!
swamp water
A great time was had with the kids at The Lighthouse! We learned about the plants and the animals that inhabit the Everglades and studied the layers of swamp water that enables gators and other animals the ability to hide. What a great time we had!


“Here’s a fun tale that introduces young readers to concepts of camouflage and predator-prey interactions. And kids will love searching for the hidden alligator in the beautiful illustrations.”

–Annie Oxarart, Board Member, League of Environmental Educators in Florida                           Available HERE


There is a young cowboy, he lives on the range,
His horse and his cattle are his only companions.
He works in the saddle and sleeps in the canyons,
Waiting for summer, his pastures to change.
~ James Taylor

I’ve been experimenting with technique, texture and palette lately. This feller came out of my experimenting…. and who doesn’t love a cowboy! :)

SkADaMo 30 ~ Papa Comes Home


caimin_papa_RBaird72aShe didn’t hear the click clack of the lock, nor did she hear the munching of the last piece of Mama Camain’s pie as Papa hungrily gobbled it up.

skadamobutton2013monkey220And there you have it! Thirty days of SkADaMo and thirty days of Picture book ideas with PiBoldMo


This has been a very worthwhile experience to participate in. I now have 30 ideas, some good, some not so much, but none the less they are mine to work on and grow into full fledged stories!

No Excuses!