Transportaton ~ Post 600!

Mable was in it to win it!

All year she’d been sharpening up her spell writing skills and practicing her hexes. This year she finally conjured up the courage to enter the grimoire display contest. So when they announced the annual HSWW (Halloween Society of Witches and Warlocks) conference, she was first to pay the dues and book a hotel room.

Good luck Mabel!

This is post number 600 here at the Mouse in the House. To celebrate I’ve created a couple of Halloween treat boxes, yours  free to download. Each box measures 2 1/2 inches and would be great to fill with treats for a Halloween party. Just click on the image below to download. Enjoy!

Here’s to 600 more!

Illustration Friday ~ Double

“Well, well!” said an old woman, peering out with a crafty look. “And haven’t you children a sweet tooth?”
“Come in! Come in, you’ve nothing to fear!”

The witch was hoping for a double portion of meat for her “Children ala King,” but she would settle for a nice, juicy baked boy! Clever Gretel pushed the old witch into her very own oven!

Illustration Friday ~ Flying


Lady Grizelda gets a makeover!

The smaller version is one of the first pictures I did when I first started working digitally, two years ago… It’s perfect for the prompt but I just couldn’t put her up in that condition… so here is the new Griselda… along with the original poem that went with her.

Lady Griselda looked at the date
“Good heavens!” she said
“I’m running quite late!”

“The Coveny Sisters have already started!”
So she packed up her tools
and quickly departed.

And just for good measure she mixed up some dust
Then she sprinkled her broom
Chanting “Salem or bust!”